About Low Cost Individual Health Insurance

Individual health insurance with low monthly premium, that is the low cost individual health insurance, simply means a kind of insurance that will be helping you dealing with your entire medical needs, with affordable and lower cost. Medical needs here means delaying, decreasing, or even eliminating any medical payments you should pay, once you use the service of doctor, hospital, or health clinic.

There are actually two general types of health insurance: group health insurance and individual health insurance. However, if your company does not offer you with group insurance, individual health insurance should be one best option. And if you want to pay less monthly premium, low cost individual health insurance should be your best option.

This individual health insurance (especially ones with low cost) is also needed when your group health insurance is not covering your entire medical payments or needs. There are at least three feature or services you will find in any low cost individual health insurance; they are PPO protection, HMO, and fee-for-service.

The fee-for-service is one of the low cost individual health insurance’s features, in which you and the insurance company are agreed to the sum or amount of the insurance itself. Hence, if you claim for the insurance, you know exactly how much coverage or payment you will get. This fee-for-service feature does cost quite a lot of money; yet, there are many benefits you will get.

One of the fee-for-service benefits offered by such low cost individual health insurance is that you can choose any healthcare provider or health clinic you want. However, you should still bear in mind that there are probably some kinds of medical treatment they do not cover.

Another feature of low cost individual health insurance is HMO, Health Maintenance Organization, is the recent and popular feature or service or health insurance. Similar to PPO, and fee-for-service, this feature also allows you to choose any healthcare provider, hospital doctor, or health clinic you choose.

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