5 Bright Ideas For Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is a great way for people who had surgery related to neurological, musculoskeletal, and cardiopulmonary system. It is beneficial for people having osteoporosis and developmental issues like autism. There are many bright ideas for physical therapy. Some of them are listed below. If you or your loved ones are in need of physical therapy or if you’re a physical therapist yourselves then you might find these ideas useful.

School-Based Physical Therapy
Many school children suffer from one or another conditions and disabilities that require many hours of physical therapy. In reality it’s difficult for some of these children to get proper PT sessions due to financial, time, or other reasons.

With the school-based physical therapy the therapy sessions are delivered in school. This will not only benefit the children and their families but also other therapist, researchers, and other health professionals.

Pool Noodle Seat
There are children who often fall of their chairs. It’s not because the chairs are slipper or the chairs’ legs are broken but because these children have difficulties in keeping their balance. In some cases their bodies simply can’t understand where the chairs are supposed to be.

A quick fix for this problem is to get a pool noodle, cut it to size, and strap it along the chair edges using duct tape. The pool noodle outline provides additional cues for the children to help them position themselves better on the chair.

Gait Correcting Device
This is a device invented by Jared Adams in his senior high school years. Jared’s mother is a physical therapist and Jared wanted to make something that can help his mother as well as other physical therapist in tending patients with walking difficulties.

Early tests have shown that Jared’s invention is more effective than traditional method of physical therapy in correcting gait problems. The device itself is very compact and easy to use. It is shaped like two braces, with a bar connecting them, that wraps a person’s thigh.

The device strengthens the muscle groups used for walking while controlling the walking movements. It makes sure the person wearing it can walk without his or her legs cross each other.

Using Exercise Ball For Sensory Therapy
For children who have sensory processing or sensory integration disorder an exercise ball can be used to improve their body and joints awareness. Some ways to incorporate the exercise ball is to roll the ball up a wall, dribbling, bouncing on the ball, and kicking it. All of those activities are fun for the children so they are more than happy to do them. 

Children can also do various activities while lying on their belly on the ball. The activities can be drawing, playing puzzle, sorting objects, and many more. Parents need to supervise their children for this method to prevent them from falling over.

Use Social Medias As Marketing Tool
This is a great idea for physical therapists who are looking for ways to reach out more potential clients. Many people seek medical advices and treatments online. Sadly, there are plenty of bad suggestions floating online. You, as a licensed therapist, should come to the rescue and offer advice and suggestions to these people.

Answer questions, build credibility, get testimonials, and get yourself out there to help. As you gain visibility, more and more potential clients will trust your service.
Okay those are some bright ideas for physical therapy. There are many more popping out all around the globe and that is good news for the physical therapy world.

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