Are Acne Treatments Effective?

Acne Treatments
When you have acne and are searching for the proper treatment, you may ask yourself the question, "Are acne treatments effective?". The answer to the question of whether acne treatments are effective, though, is not an easy one.
The answer depends on the person and the treatment. While some acne treatments are effective for the majority of sufferers, your skin type and acne severity will play a large part in whether they are effective for you.

Doctors determine if acne treatments are effective by performing clinical trials and studies. During these studies, they will test a large number of people of different ages, races, skin types and types of acne. 

In these trials all patients are given the same type of acne treatment. The results are then used to determine if the acne treatments are effective, and for what types of skin they are most effective.

Going by these results, your doctor may choose to prescribe one of the acne treatments shown effective through numerous studies for your situation.

Even with positive study results, the prescribed acne treatments may not be effective for you. Many different treatments are used on the same skin types with varying effectiveness.

When determining if acne treatments will be effective for you, dermatologists usually start with a topical or non-invasive treatment such as a cleanser or topical solution.

Then, if that particular treatment does not work, your dermatologist will explore other types of  acne treatments that will be effective such as oral antibiotics or laser therapy.

The last resort in acne treatments that are effective is surgery. This option should only be advised when all other types of therapy have been exhausted or when a patient's acne is very severe.

When attempting to determine if acne treatments are effective, the best plan is to trial numerous products and gauge your results accordingly.

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