Recommended Adult Acne Treatment For Women

There are many different types of adult acne treatment for women. Some examples of these acne treatment for women include birth control pills, hormone-balancing pills, steroids, laser therapy and herbal medications.
Birth control pills are used as an adult acne treatment for women because the active ingredients in the pills balance the level of estrogen in the body. When the estrogen levels are balanced, the body does not over produce oil. Excessive oil production is a leading cause of acne.

Hormone-balancing pills are used in much the same way that birth control pills are. However, hormone-balancing pills do not prevent pregnancy.

Steroids are used in an adult acne treatment for women to increase testosterone levels and decrease estrogen levels. Both of these actions help to reduce oil production and dry out the skin where blemishes occur.

Herbal medications are used adult acne treatment women to do a number of things. When taken orally these herbs help balance estrogen, which controls oil production.

When applied to the skin or used as a topical formulation in an adult acne treatment for women, the herbs kill the bacteria that cause acne, dry existing blemishes and sooth irritation and inflammation.

Laser therapy as an adult acne treatment for women works by killing the bacteria on the skin with a blue or yellow light. This therapy is approved for use on both men and women, but the procedure is especially safe for a women's sensitive skin.

Some medications are not specially designed for women but work very well for them. These types of medications include antibiotics and prescription acne drugs.

The safest, least expensive options for adult acne treatment for women include over-the-counter products that are made for a women's skin. These products include such things as medicated cleansers, astringents, moisturizers and facial masks.

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