Practical Acne Scar Natural Treatment Methods

Acne Scar Natural Treatment Methods
If you are interested in fighting an acne scar with natural treatment, there are not a lot of options readily available.
While most scar treatments consist of surgery, or similar invasive procedures, there are a few ways to treat an acne scar naturally.

Sometimes you can fight an acne scar with natural treatment by using an oral medicine. Elicina is a type of antibiotic taken orally that helps skin regeneration, and is supposed to help fight acne scars (or any other types of scars).

Another type of natural scar treatment is a topical home remedy such as vitamin E. There are currently no clinical reviews on the effectiveness of this type of treatment but many users have seen positive results.

Since Vitamin E is a safe topical treatment, it is possible to test this acne scar natural treatment without a doctor's approval.

Another type of natural scar treatment consists of using three natural oils: frankincense oil, lavender oil, and rosehip oil.

To make and use this, you will need the proper amount of these oils. You will need eight drops of frankincense oil, five drops of lavender oil, and twenty-five ml of rosehip oil.

The directions for this acne scar natural treatment say that you should mix these well and gently massage them into the affected area twice daily.

It also says that you should never apply this acne scar natural treatment while the acne is actually active. This could cause the acne to worsen, which would increase scarring, rather than decrease it.

If neither of these two types of acne scar treatment work for you, it may be time to consult a dermatologist about medical treatment options. While most of these treatments are not natural, they have been tested and approved to be safe and effective.

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