Skin Care Tips To Help You Combat Acne

Whatever else you might read to the contrary, there is no known guaranteed cure for acne. What there is, is a range of treatments that help you to prevent an acne outbreak, or which help you to treat the acne once it has materialized.
In this regard, although we have numerous good medicinal aides to assist in the battle against acne, one of the most essential elements in this fight is to maintain a good and healthy skin.

To assist you, the following are some useful skin care tips to help you combat acne.

1) Wash your skin gently – don’t think scrubbing your skin every ten minutes with strong soap is going to help, it won’t! Want you need to do is maintain a best practice skin care tip you’ll likely need to continue for the rest of your life: wash your face gently using a mild (preferable pH neutral) cleanser once when you wake-up, once before you go to sleep and after any exercise where you sweat a lot.

When washing your face, go from the jaw-line to the hairline, not the hairline to the jaw-line.

2) Rinse your skin – once you have finished washing your skin carefully, remember to rinse your skin in clean cold water. Do not just assume you have finished washing your face without rinsing it afterwards.

3) Wash you hair – one of the major causes of acne is oily skin. Therefore, good skin care tips include trying to make sure that your skin comes into as little contact with oil as is possible.

Unfortunately one of the places on our body that attracts the most oil also happens to be one of the places nearest to our skin – out hairline.

So, if you have oily skin make sure you wash your hair frequently.

4) Use a hand-towel – always make sure you have a designated hand-towel that is only used to dry your face, and nowhere else. Also make sure you change this hand-towel frequently.

5) Try to avoid touching your skin – another in our list of good skin care tips is to try to make sure you avoid excessive contact between your hands and face. Remember, your hands are dirty – so all you're doing is transferring the dirt from your hands to your face – not exactly good skin care practise!

And remember, good skin care treatment means taking care of your skin. So, it’s okay to add moisturizer, but remember to use a moisturizer that doesn’t have polluting chemicals in it – otherwise you would not be following best practice good skin care technique!

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