You probably have a previous job that provides group medical insurance, yet your current job might not offer any medical insurance. If so, you do not have to worry since with the COBRA program, you can actually get your medical insurance without renewing any agreement or premium. This is another alternative other than self employed medical insurance.
However, if the COBRA program does not offer and let you have your previous medical insurance plan, the self employed medical insurance then your one and only savior. And actually, there are some basic features or plans your medical insurance company offer, if you decide to apply for this kind of medical or health insurance.
There are two general features or plans that are offered by most companies of self employed medical insurance; they are HMO and PPO plan. In general, HMO plan is slightly lower in price than PPO plan. PPO program is a medical insurance program which allows you to choose any doctor and healthcare clinic or hospital your desired. And for this reason, this plan can be quite higher than HMO plan.
The first step you should do in applying for self employed medical insurance is deciding the amount or service or medical insurance plan you and your family need. After that, you should find the best and reputable insurance company that is providing self employed insurance.
It is recommended for you to apply for self employed medical insurance in the cyber world, for there will be a huge selection of medical insurance companies. Beside, you can make a kind of chart toward the services and cost of each medical insurance company.
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