Ankle Sprain Physical Therapy

Ankle Sprain Physical Therapy
Ankle sprains is often related to sport injury, this injury may commonly happens when foot slips or twists causing the ligaments of the ankle move from its range or overstretched.  Before asking for help to Ankle sprain physical therapy clinic we should know that usually athletes had this ankle sprain injury which may vary on the stage or damage level to the body, especially for foot. It can be bad to serious injury. People who may have the risk of ankle sprain injury are mostly younger athletes, soldier, runners, basketball players, tennis player, badminton player and most all kinds of sports athletes may have this risk. The accident which causes the injury happens while the athlete frequently runs,  jumps, move spontaneously, and change the motions suddenly while exercising or having a match. The ligaments on the outer side of the ankles are the most injured part after inner or medial side of the ankle. Ankle sprain injury would be healed but need to be treated soon as after the athlete got the incident. 
Going to ankle sprain physical therapy clinic after getting medical treatment from a doctor is best suggestions since we don’t know how long the patients may recover from the injury. It can be worse if it is not healed by a right treatment. People who experienced ankle sprain injury would also be relief after getting treatment done by professional ankle sprain physical therapist. They help you to get recovery soon after the injury. They help people to reduce their pain injuries, regain their feet and bone strength, balance, motion, so that people who suffer this injury could return to have normal activity, such as walking, stretching, or even back to running. The last, the ankle sprain physical therapy help these people to prevent reinjury. An ankle sprain injury usually takes 2 weeks to 3 months to recover, it depends on how bad the injury occur. The recovery itself need more weeks after the doctor or the therapist state heal to the patient. The patient will fee better in those weeks and feel completely strengthened in few months later. It takes time indeed, but it would be longer if the patient suffers severely sprained ligament. It must acceptable that the total recovery would take less or more than one year. 

In fact, reinjury may happen again for those who suffer ankle sprain injury before. It is caused by muscle strength and balance has not healed or completely restored yet, the level of the injury may be various based on how bad it affect the bone especially feet, the patient would be asked how they feel by the the therapist in ankle sprain physical therapy. The patients  may suffer these kinds of pains:
  • Swelling 
  • Unable for walk or even to stand that caused by the pain effect 
  • Suffer pain 
  • Throbbing 
  • Feel stiff on ankle or foot area 
  • Feel weak 
  • Unable to do instability in ankle joint.
The injury may be diagnosed after you see the ankle sprain physical therapy, here the therapist will check your medical health history examine your feet and ankle, by pressing gently on the ankle area to check if it is painful to touch, and examine how bad it is may affect to the muscles, ligaments and other foot area. Next, your therapist will do some test to know the patient’s strength and flexibility, also do some observation to know how bad or good the patient can move leg or foot by letting you walk. 

In ankle sprain physical therapy, the therapist often hand people with a gentle and good treatment which help the patients recover quickly. Usually the therapist work personally to plan and arrange the treatment based on your need and diagnose to achieve the recovery soon. During the first treatment which need 24 hours to 48 hours diagnose, the therapist will ask you to do some medical treatment at home such as follows:
  • Get rest from all activity especially sport activity. And avoid activity which may cause injury get more painful. 
  •  Put ice pack to the injury area in necessary. Usually every 2 hours. 
  • Do not walk the injury feet if it is hurt. Use stick or crutches to help you walk instead of walking your feet. 
  •  Use an ankle brace to support feet from swelling and prevent from any more pain.
The main ankle sprain physical therapy and  treatment which done at home will allow you to reduce pain and make the recovery as soon as possible. Next, the therapist will help you to improve flexibility, strength, endurance, and balance, reduce pain and swelling as possible, restore agility and let you to learn a home program so that you can get back to the normal activities. That recovery of ankle sprain physical therapy goal should be done effectively to gain health as soon as possible. 

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