Physical Therapy Exercises for Bursitis

Therapy Exercises for Bursitis
Some parts of the body lies bursae of mucus which consist of membrane, especially in the joints at the shoulders, elbows, knees, where the tendon or the muscles itself slide across against the other tendon that cause inflammation to muscle or bones. If the layer of bursitis was inflamed, this is called with bursitis. To make sure that you get physical health treatment for bursitis, you can try physical therapy exercises for bursitis, but the therapist will diagnose the injury of bursitis first. 

As we know bursitis happens when small sacs of synovial fluid in the body inflame that causes pain to muscles, bones, and joints. The body movement is hard to move caused by its pain. The restricted movement may become the endurance to do activity in normally. The bursitis occurs in most of the shoulders, ankles, hips, elbows and thighs. The stage of pain can be felt from light to severe, that’s why the very bad bursitis must be treated by physical therapy exercises for bursitis

Bursitis is mostly caused by a joints injury, muscles or tendons. We should know that there are over than 150 bursae in human body, normally it would make painless motion to our function of body, on the other hand if the bursae get inflame it can be hurt to move and difficult. The muscles, tendons, or the joints can be stiff as well. The symptoms may vary from warmth and erythema to joint pain and stiffness, to stinging pain that surrounds the joint around the inflamed bursa. At this situation, the painful may get worse during or after the activity. This injury can be caused by infection or other injuries which caused by repetitive motions and excessive pressure. For example, doing exercise in sport without began with warming up or stretching up first, it makes the body stiff.  People who work at the office, sit long on their seat for hours also may affect the muscles and tendons of the shoulders pressured and stiff. The other conditions that become the cause of bursitis is immune deficiencies, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and so on. One of the injury which may cause the bursitis is traumatic injury. It makes the inflammation have irritation and cause the dysfunction of muscle or tendon. One of the healing process can be done by doing physical therapy exercises for bursitis.

And how physical therapy exercises for bursitis will help the patients to heal and recover from the inflammation is they need to do treatment provided by the therapist. The arrangement therapy will reduce and heal the injury as soon as possible. The physical therapy exercises for bursitis also help you to gain more health to return to the patient’s normal activity at home. It is noticed that there are infected and non-infected bursitis. The therapist will diagnose whether the infectious process beyond cellulitis and systemic system of the body. The treatment for non-infected bursitis can be done as follow :

  • Self-treatment. Self-treatment is the easiest way suggested by the therapy to treat bursitis in preventing any kind of stress to the injury area. To rest the injury is important, you can do this by using ice pack to put on the affected area for several minutes and repeat it to 4 or 5 times in a day. The therapist also will give you medicine like ibuprofen which can help the patient to reduce their pain.
  • After having test and diagnosed by the physical therapist, the therapist may do some electrical simulations to provide relief to the injury area. The therapist also gives and provides the patient with therapeutic exercises for the shoulder and hip. This done to reduce pain and inflammation
  • Elevation
  • Physiotherapy 
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain medication. 
The drugs help the patient to reduce pain also relief the pain.

While the treatments of the physical therapy exercises for bursitis here can be done for infected bursae which need more tests, exercises and antibiotic therapies.

Steroid therapy
Corticosteroids or called steroids used to decrease the inflammation and pain. It is injected at the site of the affected area of the injury. But using these injections for several times regularly in a few months period are not suggested since the possibility of other health problem may occur.

Surgical therapy
Surgical therapy may be needed if in case all the treatment fails to gain recovery, in this surgery, the bursectomy is cut out either endoscopically or with open surgery. The bursa will grow again after weeks also without no more inflammation.
By doing the physical therapy exercises for bursitis, healing from the injuries may happen soon, but preventing bursitis itself is more important than to cure it. How can you prevent bursitis is you need to plan the exercise carefully, stop the exercise activity if pain occurs.

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