Physical Therapy For The Thighs

Physical Therapy
The thigh is made up of four major muscle groups; hamstrings, quadriceps, abductors, and adductors. After an injury these muscles may not work as well as they used to be. To bring back your thighs to their healthy state you should consider doing physical therapy for the thighs.
As part of the therapy, you need to stretch and tone the four muscle groups. Before doing any of the stretches and exercises listed below you should consult a doctor or certified physical therapist first. If your doctor says it’s okay then you may proceed with them. 

The first stretch is the quadriceps stretch.
Start with standing up then step your right leg forward. While keeping the left leg straight, gently bend the right knee until you feel a stretch at the top of the left thigh. Hold the position for 5 seconds then straighten the right knee. Repeat this stretch five times then switch with the other leg.
If you have trouble keeping your balance you may try this stretch while facing a wall with both hands on the wall for support. Instead of stepping your light leg forward you step the left leg backward.

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Next is the supine hamstring stretch.
You need to do this on a yoga mat. Please do not try and do this on hard surface because you may put unnecessary stress on your tailbone. We’re trying to fix a problem here, not to add more of it.

Lie on the mat with your knees bent. Lift the right leg and slowly bring your right knee toward the chest.  Place your hands behind the knee as support. There’s no need to pull your leg. Your knee does not need to touch your chest for this stretch. 

Now, slowly straighten your right leg until you feel a stretch. Keep your hands behind the knee. Hold the position for thirty seconds then bend back the right leg for another thirty seconds. Repeat five times and switch with the other leg.

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The next stretch is for the adductor or inner thigh muscles.
You start by standing upright with feet wider than shoulder width apart. Slowly bend your right knee and lean to the right while keeping your left leg straight. When you feel a stretch on your left inner thigh, hold the position for five seconds. Straighten your right leg and repeat the stretch five times then switch.

For the final stretch, we will target the abductor or the outer thigh muscles.
Just like the supine hamstring stretch, you need to do this on a yoga mat. You start by lying on your left side. Use a pillow to support your head or use your left arm as a pillow replacement. Keep your right leg straight but don’t lock the knee. Slowly raise your right leg as high as you can and hold it for five seconds. Slowly lower your right leg and rest for another five seconds. Repeat for five times then switch with your left leg.

Okay that’s all for now. Please remember one thing, physical therapy for the thighs should be done after a proper consultation with your doctor. Your doctor may suggest specific kinds of exercises to match your conditions.

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