Initial Physical Therapy After Knee Surgery

Initial Physical Therapy
Physical therapy after knee surgery will be Necessary to restore mobility, strength, and flexibility of muscles and leg joints possessed to live an everyday activity as before. Usually, the orthopedic surgeon who performed the surgery on the knee would advise someone to exercise for 20 to 30 minutes as much as 2 or 3 times a day on a regular basis. Knee surgery is usually done against someone (usually have more than 50 years of age) who experience pain or stiffness in the knee area and have considered medically does not have any other solution except surgery. This pain in the knee which is generally experienced by a person with age above 50 years is usually caused by the person is suffering from Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a syndrome that can be caused by several factors, including aging joints, injury, and obesity. 

Knee surgery performed to remove part of the damaged joint from the surface of the bone and then replace the joints that have been removed with some kind of metal or plastic artificial joint. Although replaced with a metal or plastic artificial joint, someone who undergo this surgery will not feel pain or stiffness that is felt before, someone could even do daily activities normally. After surgery on a knee joint replacement is completed, someone usually only needs to be treated or stay in the hospital for Approximately 5 days. People who undergo this surgery could feel the improvements in their legs around 1 or 2 months after surgery. To help the knee joint recovery after the surgery, doctors will usually give someone advice to do physical therapy after knee surgery. after leg muscle and leg joint strength has been restored with physical therapy, someone who has undergone knee surgery can perform almost all activities, except for activities that involve; running and jumping.

Physical therapy after knee surgery usually divided into three rehabilitation program, namely initial exercise, intermediate exercise and advanced exercise. In this article, we will discuss initial exercise which is the first rehabilitation program undertaken by someone in physical therapy after knee surgery. Please note that this article aims to help people to have a better understanding of the direction of their orthopedic surgeon. In a rehabilitation program, you should work with your doctor to determine the goal and keeping steady growth. Some doctors may indeed encourage you to exercise while at home, but the form of exercise that you would do should first be discussed with your doctor. 

The following are some form of exercise who done at the initial stage of physical therapy after knee surgery: 

  1. The first exercise was called hamstring contraction. There should be no excessive movements that occur in this exercise. To do this exercise someone just lying face up with legs slightly bent about 110 degrees. Then do the pulling movement so that the leg angle is reduced, you need to do this exercise with caution and don't put pressure on your knees. You should tighten the muscles on the back of the thigh. Hold in this position for 5 seconds then get relax. Do this movement 10 times.
  2. The next exercise is called Quadriceps Contraction. To do this exercise is quite simple, just lie down with your stomach below and put a rolled towel or similar things at the front of the ankle which is have done surgery. The next is push your ankle down into the towel rolls and hold that position for 5 seconds. Usually, it is recommended to do this movement 10 times.
  3. The next initial physical therapy after knee surgery is Straight Leg Raises. First lies on your back and then bend your legs which are not in use in exercise (not gone surgery), then slowly lift your legs about 6 inches and then hold that position for 5 seconds, do this movement 10 times.
  4. The next exercise is Buttock Tucks. This exercise is so simple. you just simply lie down with your legs slightly bent and then you tighten the muscles of the buttock for 5 seconds and do 10 times.
  5. The last initial exercise is Straight Leg Raises, Standing. To do this exercise is quite simple too. You just have to stand up by holding on to something, then lift your legs straight in a forward manner. do this exercise 10 times as well as the others.  
Those things above are some form of exercise that may be recommended by your doctor for initial exercise. What we need to consider is when doing these exercises (especially for someone who has recently have surgery) should be done with caution. when exercising and if you fell your knees hurt, you should reduce your exercise and rest. If necessary, when experiencing the pain you can do RICE (rest, ice, compress, elevate), or you can contact your doctor for advice on physical therapy after knee surgery.

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